Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society (JOEMS)

 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society (JOEMS) is a journal of mathematical sciences publishing refereed, well-written original research articles that describe the latest research and developments in the areas of pure and applied mathematics. This is a broad-based journal covering mathematics and interdisciplinary research. To bring together original research thereby providing a forum for active researchers in mathematics and workers in more applied areas. To be acceptable for publication in the journal, papers must make significant, original and correct contributions to one or more of the fields mentioned in Mathematical Subjects Classification (M.S.C.). Applied Mathematics accepted papers should be clearly motivated by actual or potential application to real phenomena.

Benefits of publishing with SpringerOpen

High visibility

Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society's open access policy allows maximum visibility of articles published in the journal as they are available to a wide, global audience. 

Speed of publication

Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society offers a fast publication schedule whilst maintaining rigorous peer review; all articles must be submitted online, and peer review is managed fully electronically (articles are distributed in PDF form, which is automatically generated from the submitted files). Articles will be published with their final citation after acceptance, in both fully browsable web form, and as a formatted PDF; the article will then be available through Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society and SpringerOpen.


Online publication in Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society gives you the opportunity to publish large datasets, large numbers of color illustrations and moving pictures, to display data in a form that can be read directly by other software packages so as to allow readers to manipulate the data for themselves, and to create all relevant links (for example, to PubMed, to sequence and other databases, and to other articles).


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